Distance Eductaion
MSU(Manonmaniam Sundaranar University)
- All BA & MA (Tamil, English, History, Economics, Islamic Studies), BSc & MSc(Maths, Physics, Chemistry).
- BCA, MCA(LE), B.Com, & M.Com, BBA
- MBA(HR, Marketing, System, Finance, Production).
- Exam Center will be hosur and 99% Results.
- Study Materials will be C.D.
- Online admission from ACA 2016-2017.
RVD (Rajasthan VidyaPeeth University)
- Diploma (Mech, Civil, EEE, CSE, Electronics & Telecommunication, Automobile).
- B.Tech(Chemistry, Civil Electrical,CSE, Electronics & Telecommunication, Mech).
- MBA (Finance, H.R, Marketing, Pharamedical, Operation).
- UGC and MHRD Approved, IGNOU Syllabus.
- Exam center in Hosur and 100% Result.
NIOS (National Institute of Opening School)
- We offering Foundation Course for who Failed in 8th, 10th, 12th.
- Tamil Nadu Govt of India Approved.
- Age limits above 15yrs.
- Exam Center in Hosur and 100% result.